Popular fiction often portrays swinging as something only affluent people do. Movies, typically set in the southeast region of England, focus on swinger parties held in country mansions. Are these stereotypes based on reality or are they just myth?
There still exists a popular idea of attending swinger parties as a being an
upper middle class past-time, played out in country houses, with wealthy tycoon
husbands swapping bored suburban housewives.
Dramas that portray this myth are more often than not set in the leafy suburbs of the
southeast region's most affluent areas.
Whatever the historical truth, swinging sex party venues in southeast England certainly include a few country houses and even a castle.
In reality swinger parties in the southeast are very much egalitarian affairs where anyone from
manual worker to company executive turns up and plays with swinging guests whose appeal
is much more likely to be to do with sexual chemistry than personal wealth.
Although its true to say that some of the swinging that goes on in the southeast
can be very exclusive affair, swinger party guest lists are usually drawn up from criteria about looks,
and willingness to play.
For single guys especially, the first step to attending any swinger party is to hook up with a swinger partner. This is done through swinger dating. We have hundreds of party-loving females and swinger couples in every local area of southeast England so you can get started right away.